

Welcome to Glenisa Cattle Co, Glen Aplin, Qld
Established in 1994, Glenisa Angus is owned by Ced Wise and family. This 4th generation property ‘Glenisa’, originally a stone fruit orchard and vineyard, has evolved into being the centre point of the Glenisa Angus stud and commercial operation.
Aside from the home base ‘Glenisa’ our cattle are run on a number of small blocks totalling 16,000 acres of semi improved properties, ranging from open undulating pastures to steep and isolated range country.


We run on average 800 breeders. Of these 300 are HBR Black Angus, 100 APR Black Angus and 400 Grey Brahmans. The Brahman females are run exclusively in the wild eastern range country, which is where a selection of our rising 2 year old Glenisa Angus sires are sent. This gives us peace of mind that our bulls are hardy enough to perform in varying commercial conditions. Because our cattle are run on several small blocks their management cannot be intense – they are run as a well recorded commercial herd.


We strive to maintain a high quality breeding program by taking great care in the selection of our sires and females with the focus being on producing profitable, low maintenance cattle. Knowing that the longevity and fertility of the bulls you purchase has a major effect on the cost of each calf sired by that bull we strive to produce, and certainly only sell structurally sound and fertile bulls.

Having established this, we endeavour to produce a consistent line of visually appealing, high performing cattle, with well-balanced EBV's. An integral part of our program is to never select solely on single traits or EBV's, as we believe this could be detrimental to our honest breeding program.

The Glenisa Angus breeding strategy is not complex.
• The animal must be as heavy as possible without sacrificing either structural soundness or fertility. All calves must be born un-assisted to be retained either in the herd or as a sale bull.
• They must have a good temperament and have a smooth coat.

In order to maintain a progressive herd, embryo transfer and Artificial Insemination techniques are used every year at Glenisa Angus. Pictured below are some of our current ET donors at Glenisa.